VeriGO DriveID The smart & trusted mobile driver’s license

Driver’s license issuing authorities have a difficult job. To begin with, issuing authorities today need to find ways to promote and advance public safety and security. Moreover, the pace at which technology is evolving means that issuers have to create a comprehensive driver’s license modernization program that meets the next generation of identification requirements. It is vital that issuing authorities keep abreast of developments as a failure to do so, for example, due to uneconomical processes, will in fact also impact and possibly hinder the growth of our society. Smartphones and mobile devices are already at the heart of human life in every corner of the globe. Leveraging these technologies by integrating them into existing driver’s license processes poses a challenge. However, it is certainly a worthwhile venture given the possible returns.

Provides secure and reliable verification of the document and user ID.

Access to up-to-the-minute data contained in the issuing database.

DriveID is neither a substitute for a physical card nor an attempt to replicate its printed security features.




Using smartphones to identify conventional and digital driver’s licenses

Fortunately, Veridos ensures that the challenges mentioned above do not become insurmountable. Our tailored solution allows you to address these obstacles and make the identification process easier, more secure, and more efficient for officers and clients.

Our DriveID inspection solution helps officers to identify both conventional and digital driver’s licenses by using smartphones. Our intelligent software even recognizes out-of-state or out-of-province licenses. It also guides officers through how to find security elements and check if they are intact, which helps them to distinguish genuine documents from counterfeits, thus increasing public safety and security.

Forgetting your driver's license is a thing of the past

Our DriveID application for smartphone users supports a convenient and user-friendly interaction between citizens and law enforcement officers. Having your driver’s license on your smartphone - a device that we usually always carry with us – allows you to provide driving credentials and ID without it even leaving your hands. Moreover, officers can verify the genuineness of ID documentation and driving credentials securely and efficiently, with accurate results.



VeriGO DriveID: The smart & trusted mobile driver’s license


Opening the door to smart services

Veridos’ solution also benefits the private sector, as MobileID can also be used on mobile devices to open bank accounts or access age-restricted services. MobileID could speed up a service provider’s internal processes, save time and money, and prevent other problems that accompany weaker means of identification.

Our MobileID solution also provides access to smart services which afford the user greater freedoms, such as the option to change their address or use driver’s license renewal services using face-matching technology.

Do you want to know how Veridos’ solutions can best suit your needs?

Contact us to learn more.