VeriGO® TrueSeal
Attestation of sensitive documents essential during the COVID-19 crisis
We believe trust is essential for processes to continue.
This eGovernment solution has been developed with security in mind. It can be rolled out very quickly. It is a secure product that relies on a visible digital seal. And always verified in combination with a physical or digital identity document. This way the verifier and the user have trust that the process is securely carried out.
Standardization - The use of visible digital seals follows the ICAO Technical Report for Visible Digital Seals that are currently integrated into the ICAO Doc 9303 8th edition as well as the BSI Technical Guideline TR 03137. And is open to standardization adjustments for vaccination certificates to be made by ICAO.
With a variety of benefits, TrueSeal can be implemented for a variety of use cases.