Employee Stories

ePassports for Bangladesh and goosebumps for Fabiola: Fabiola's Story “We can really sense how important our contribution is to our customers - that’s what motivates me and makes it all worthwhile.”

When do you know you have really immersed yourself in another culture? “When you’re in your quiet bedroom in Germany and you miss the typical honking of car horns of Asian cities,” says Fabiola Bellersheim. She must know. As Head of Sales Asia at Veridos she has been living in two different worlds for many years. Last year, with strong support from her colleagues, she successfully secured the largest contract in the company’s history: delivering electronic passports and border security for Bangladesh.

In your 20-year career with Veridos and G+D you have worked in many areas of the business, have flown around the world multiple times, managed teams, taken part in internal development programs, and also had two children. Is there anything you can’t just take in stride after all that?

You bet! On July 19, 2018, after an acquisition and negotiation process lasting two and a half years, a ceremony to mark the signing of the contracts was held in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka. When I saw it – more than 800 attendees, national flags everywhere, high-ranking guests, and upbeat music – it really gave me the goosebumps.

Learn more about the Bangladesh project.

What impact will the project have on Bangladesh?

The project is impressive in many ways, but for me the real highlight is the people involved. Veridos is training 100 Bangladeshi employees in Germany and a further 1,000 people on site, who will then take on demanding technology roles. As part of the project, a new, state-of-the-art factory will be built to produce the passports, which will provide an alternative source of employment to the country’s textile industry. We’re making a real contribution to technological progress in Bangladesh. And we can really sense how important it is to our customers – that’s what motivates me and makes it all worthwhile.

Is it common for Veridos to be so close to such national developments?

Yes, indeed. We’re a specialist in identity solutions, so most of our customers are from the government and state sectors. Our projects, such as system solutions for ID papers, driver’s licenses, and border control, deal with fundamental issues relating to sovereignty and security. That means we’re often in contact with high-level individuals from other countries.

And the downsides? What’s your work-life balance like in such a demanding international management position?

Well, I can’t deny it’s hard work. But I’ve always found Veridos to be extremely supportive and flexible. They let me try different ways of working, both full-time and part-time. I’ve also worked from home and sometimes even took my baby with me to the office when I was breastfeeding. Our company culture provides maximum freedom as long as employees achieve the required results. When I work and where I work – at home, on the road, or in my office – is my decision. If you make a logical and convincing case, you get all the support and recognition you could possibly want.

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