System Components

No individual security method, feature or technology can survive on its own. It must be fit into a larger system to prevent circumvention. Veridos offers a wide range of innovative system components to close any gaps or loopholes in identification and border control applications and management.

Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS)

Veridos’ Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) can take a live scan of a fingerprint and compare it in seconds against millions of scans in the database. In the process it extracts a set of characteristic features, compressing and storing them in an optimized form for fast searching and fewer false positives and negatives.


Automated Border Control

As part of its Border Control program, Veridos provides flexible Automated Border Control (ABC) solutions based on the VeriGO® platform. This provides customers with the means to easily and scalably cope with the rising load of passengers and promote a constant level of personnel deployment.


Card & Application Management System (CAMS)

Veridos’ high-performance Card and Application Management System (CAMS) offers components to personalize chip cards after issuance. The modular architecture provides top robustness and reliability for 24/7 operation in a computer center, and is compatible with multiple cards for different purposes and multiple tenants.


Card & Passport Management

Veridos’ IMAGO is a configurable framework for data enrollment, document personalization, quality assurance, issuing and verification of identification documents. It supports various types of ID cards, including contact-based or contactless driver’s licenses, work permit cards, passports and visas, and a variety of production materials and formats.



The Imago system from Veridos facilitates the capture and application of biometric data from face scans, handwritten signatures, fingerprints and iris scans. That high-quality biometric data can be used in new security documents or for Automated Biometric Identification Systems (ABIS), even in locations with poor infrastructure.



IMAGO from Veridos organizes the various checks needed before new documents can be issued. It can read out the chip for comparison against the stored data record, and then scans and compares the document against the optical personalization record. Finally it offers a variety of options for shipping, arranging pickup and other tasks.



Veridos bridges the gap between standard PCs and smart cards through its eID App, smart card middleware that supports smart cards from different vendors running the JavaCard operating systems (OS) or STARCOS®. Veridos also supplies smart card applications and applets for digital signing, encryption, authentication and identification use cases.



Veridos develops specialized machinery for the personalization of security documents, either electronically or optically. This includes lasered pictures and letters, retransfer and dye-sub and combinations of these approaches through the LPI® (LASER PROTECTED IMAGE) feature.


Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Veridos offers proprietary components and products for installing a country-wide public key infrastructure (PKI) for the issuance of security documents. Equally important, Veridos offers end-to-end consulting on setting up a PKI, ensuring that the final system runs smoothly and meets all the customer’s needs.
