How a secure voter enrollment system makes electoral processes more trustworthy

How a secure voter enrollment system makes electoral processes more trustworthy Veridos’ voter registration system makes voting accessible for all
It is essential to encourage citizens in emerging countries to vote in order to promote and establish a fair democratic process worldwide. In order to make voting secure and accessible to all, then the right election infrastructure needs to be in place. With this in mind, Veridos has worked hard to create an accessible, trustworthy mobile voting enrollment system. It offers a holistic solution for the entire voting process, ranging from voter enrollment to data management and the issuance of biometric voter IDs.
Veridos’ innovative enrollment solution aims to enhance trust and security for government and voters alike. Voter registrations need to be freely accessible, trustworthy, and must not exclude anyone e.g., women, young voters or disabled people. In this way they can instill confidence in the electoral set-up and thereby support democracy in emerging economies. Without this, an election cannot be viewed as free, fair or credible.
Citizen data critical for Voter ID cards
The idea behind voter registration systems is to collect the essential citizen data needed to issue either paper or electronic identification cards that verify the right to cast a vote. For example, these systems check that citizens don’t reregister and vote twice.
These systems also administer the voter database. For instance, customers often ask for voter registration systems that can issue relevant voter lists for use by workers at the polling station.

Overcoming distance and logistics with mobile enrollment kits
Establishing identity systems in emerging and developing nations is never easy. Challenges that need to be addressed include covering long distances between regions, incomplete infrastructure and unreliable access to the Internet.
In order to address these challenges, Veridos offers a remote enrollment system to make voter registration possible and to easily manage voter data. This mobile enrollment kit is easy to transport and as the equipment is battery-powered, it doesn’t have to rely on local infrastructure.
Locally gathered data is stored on the device until it is connected and uploaded to the main system. Data including biographical data, fingerprints and a photo of the voter is then used to personalize a voter ID card, which is then issued to the voter.
The mobile system and the main system use secure hardware in addition to Veridos’ software solution Imago, a management system for citizen or voter registration and identity documents. This support developing nations’ moves to embrace a more digital approach towards election management, such as introducing electronic voters’ rolls and producing electronic election results and statistics.
Veridos’ solution is helping to strengthen the democratic voting system in various emerging nations. Enforcing a reliable election system with secure election registrations that prohibit behaviors such as double or false registration engenders trust in the electoral system and thereby helps to support and promote democracy.
Faith in the electoral system is of paramount importance in order to establish a fair voting system in a just society. This is particularly true in emerging countries. A secure IT-based voter registration can be used as a template for other areas of national identity management. Moreover, an excellent electoral authority model can serve as an example for neighboring countries and elsewhere.
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