Visa Secure Borders, Faster Processing

The classic manual endorsement of entry/exit visas in passports is increasingly becoming a thing of the past.

Although such stamps are popular with travelers as nostalgic keepsakes, from a security standpoint they are too easy to manipulate. Given that illegal immigration is now identified as a major global security menace, appropriate measures are needed to head off the threat.

Personalized visas for a connected world

Veridos takes a three-pronged approach to the problem. The first step to reducing the threat involves the deployment of highly secure visa labels featuring a Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) and a photo based on ICAO Doc 9303 part 2. These are then combined with a secure backend enrollment system and inkjet personalization at the embassy. Finally, personalized data is associated with the issued visa in the backend system to aid with border control.

A wealth of features and enhancements

Our system produces ultra-secure visa labels with state-of-the-art security features, including intaglio printing, holographic patches and sophisticated serial numbering. The architecture of the visa system can be adapted to meet the customer’s specific situation, ensuring maximum security along the value chain.

Yet equally importantly, these systems are designed to be incorporated into real-life workflows without slowing the process, helping cooler heads prevail among immigration officers and travelers alike.

Learn more about Veridos’ end-to-end expertise with regard to document components & manufacturing and the wide range of innovative system components that Veridos offers.